Monday, January 28, 2013

Mr. Perfect and Ms. Perfectly Imperfect

             Hearing the word "Mr Perfect" could sound very annoying for men. It sounds like a fancy prince charming or a knight in shining armor on an old fairy tale from your childhood. Hence if you name any woman in the world, all them are looking for a Mr. Perfect; An ideal man who can stay with her forever. But what are the characteristics that makes man perfect in the eyes of a woman?

           Woman of today are becoming more unrealistic and materialistic. They set a very high expectations in electing a partner for themselves. I was surfing the internet when I saw a statement from Must-have qualities in men to be Mr. PerfectGunjan Jain, a writer, said "Gone are the days when women looked for some 'real' qualities in men like chivalry, intelligence, independence, reliability, etc. Sadly the women of today just look for men with the best jobs, the biggest bank accounts or the most fashionable zip codes. Ask them about their dream man and their answer has to be someone like Chuck Bass (the rich bad boy of Gossip Girl). Talk about being materialistic and unrealistic!".

        A distressful truth, Woman nowadays are more demanding when it come on entering relationships. Even though every woman is different from each other, most of them focus on physical attributes. These is a negative perception for men which may lead to insecurities and inferiorities to man.


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